
Just For Fun

I decided to tell Wistie to go for the Mormon Bachelor. Why?…. why not? I have repeatedly told her and my other spring off’s to take advantage of every opportunity that comes their way. It makes one’s life much more interesting. I also have told them it is more fun to participate then to be …

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Just Regard

I write often. I delete just as often. I find myself in a rather negative state of mind. It is disturbing. I like being faced with situations that are challenging because it amuses me to discover options and solutions. Now I often find the situation is not difficult, but the people are and I am …

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Information Random Teaching

Know Better to Do Better

Today I went to lunch with my son. We met in a crowded place. Along the back wall was a long table with 4 tall chairs. Two friends choose to sit in the middle two chairs. I pulled out one of the end chairs and sat down. They saw us, but did not offer to …

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Mess With This…NOT

“Yellow symbolizes wisdom. Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow Energy Like the energy of a bright sunny day, yellow brings clarity and awareness. The shade of yellow determines its effect. Clean light yellow clears the mind, making it active and alert. Put some yellow in your life when you …

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Somebody I Used to know

I think this is pretty creative. I can’t imagine being able to do this without cracking up. Towards the end I kept thinking… don’t blow it now! []

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Information Random


Last week on a business trip I read the magazine on the plane. (another small pj issue) It enlightened me on the future, our future. Imagine making arrangements to meet a friend or spouse at a restaurant for a 6 p.m. dinner appointment. You are driving toward the restaurant when you get a text message …

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Wistie recommended this song to me today. We listened to it together, sort of, over the phone. I agreed with her. It is a beautiful song. Reminded me of young love when the idea of forever and ever seemed natural, normal and possible. Now I believe that deep kind of love is unique, unusual and…. …

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Manifested Wishes

I have often wished, over the last few months, for a week-end of relaxation to the point of boredom. It is wonderful when what you asked for actually looks like what you imagine. This week-end started off with the sound of laughter in my home. My friends came over to start the Christmas season. We …

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