

I love the writing process. We are in the middle of writing the amazing story of Anne and Mary. As we started the research we kept uncovering little nuggets of information that enabled us to get to know these women. They died over 300 years ago, but sometimes I feel like they are so alive.

I love discussing the story with Cyndi. We explore different scenarios and sometimes, like today, I will ask her, “tell me all you know about Vane.” And as she did I realized that she sees him differently then I. She gave me insight of him through her eyes and then I shared my view of him. Just the conversation made him more dimensional and in the process I believe the story will be richer and deeper and more real.

It is wonderful to be able to spill out ideas and thoughts without judgement or ridicule. Neither of us say, “well, that’s dumb or lame.” We just keep exploring and uncovering possibilities until that moment when we both can feel the truth in the plot or story or character.

Today, Cyndi was reading the first 10 pages. She looked up at me and said, “We are brilliant.” Wow, amazing. We all know Cyndi is well, over the top when it comes to brains. For her to include me in the statement was wonderful and validating and reassuring.

I love the writing process, I believe because I discover more. I discover the possibility of me… and the possibility of you.