Film Production

Driving Miss Cyndi

While we were in Africa, Cyndi rented a car. I was her co-pilot reminding her to drive backwards. That told her BIG brain to stay on the wrong (left) side of the road. I was also in charge of getting us to where she wanted to go and then getting us back. I failed miserably. cgdriving.jpegOne night we had to ask a total stranger to get in our car and lead us back to our lodge. He did, but as he got out of the car he suggested we not pick up complete strangers “They might hurt you ladies.” Well DUH! I kept my eyes on him the entire time he was in the back seat ready to go for his jugular.

pjdrivingthumbnail1.jpgThis time I had the car. Driving in Mexico is well, dangerous! The roads are so narrow there isn’t enough room for two cars. Then passing cars and trucks…Justin called it playing Russian roulette. I can totally get that concept!

I don’t think Cyndi will ever go to another film location if she doesn’t have her own car. It’s a control thing. After our on sight foreign film locations, We know just how each other felt and feels. Anyone want to be our navigation expert we are accepting applications. Be forewarned, Cyndi tail gates and I ignore the middle dividing line. Oh yea, I invested in mace. So don’t mess with me!