Random Screenwriting


Yesterday was National Day on Writing. A teacher somewhere required her students to write a 6-word autobiographical story. I find this fascinating. It is reported that Ernest Hemingway wrote, Baby shoes. For sale. Never used. Brilliant. So in celebration of writing I spent my self-allotted 5 minutes of personal pleasure to construct a 6-word sentence. …

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Film Production Random Screenwriting Teaching

The Point

I have many moments where I think, “what is the point”? It doesn’t matter what project I am working on, some days I wonder why I ever thought “it” was important or worth my time and energy. Today I finished a book called THE HELP. As I came closer and closer to the end of …

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Film Production Screenwriting

May Amai

It was March of 2008 when we started this journey with AMAI. Today, we wrote the ending scene. AMAZING! Now the fun begins. Selling this puppy. But first, I think I will sleep and eat and drink Dr. Pepper. I hope it is a warm day tomorrow because I’m biking and swimming and chilling for …

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Film Production Random Screenwriting


As I ride in the morning I often see this visually interesting shot. I want a crane to get the movement without the camera shadow. I think, movie? music video? documentary? hmmm. By the time I get to the park I pretty much have forgotten about the shot. After all by then I have moved …

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Film Production Screenwriting

Memo to Self

Wow. Have I mentioned that writing is hard? I should perhaps clarify. Having someone read your work, the work you spent 6 months researching. The work you spent another month outlining. The work you spent 6 months writing only to have “people” read it and say, “nice writing, but ( I HATE that word) needs …

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Random Screenwriting

Told You So

ARGHH, One of the things I tell my clients, my friends, my family is back it up! That means investing in an external hard drive or paying an online back up program. I say go for both! I believe that everyone will be utilizing the online back up programs in the near future. These companies …

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Film Production Screenwriting

Bring it on Spring

Almost finished! Page 90 of a 120-page screenplay. I like it so much that I WANT others to read it. I am so close to turning it over to “the editor.” Besides finding all my grammatical errors, spelling errors, and verb tense errors, she is able to see where it is weak AND she is …

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Film Production Screenwriting

Team Work

Yesterday we had a business lunch. I always get a little quiet during these little meet and greets. I think it is warranted. There have been so many times that we have met with someone and shared our ideas and plans and then find they have taken our idea, knowledge or connections and have used …

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Steel Yourself

I had a teacher once who asked the class why they wanted to be an artist. Some responded because they wanted to make money. Her response to ANY art student whose goal was to make a living at art was, well, something like, if you want to make money, you should go into business or …

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