
She’s BACK

How do I know she is back? First clue is my car is gone, my keys are gone and there are dirty dishes. Okay, more than the normal amount of dirty dishes. She did lie next to me this evening to watch AMERICAN IDOL and then she had the nerve to ask me to make …

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One Question

Two days of traveling and two days of … not traveling. I just have one question. Where is it written that Moms go to clean out their daughters apartments so they can receive their security deposit back? Where? I told Chris to let Wistie pack up and clean and then she could call us and …

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Where Did It Go?

We visited two friends in the hospital this week. Both patients are in serious condition. And sitting by their side are their spouses with such looks of bewilderment. I looked into their eyes and saw the disbelief at what might occur for them. A lifetime, a moment, a marriage. Where did it all go? Withered …

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There is a story in the bible of Jesus teaching in the temple when he was still a child. I love that story for many reasons. Today I love that story because, to me, it shows that those who loved him loved him truly. I believe that when you are truly loved it gives you …

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First Thought

This is always a busy time of year. School “year-end’ activities, spring cleaning, yard work, allergies, waiting for Cannes to let us know that they loved our movie, picking up returning college students, sending off kids for summer adventures, finishing another documentary, continue writing on this most amazing screenplay, researching another very important and timely …

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It’s All in the Details

Working on a historical screenplay is more difficult than writing an original screenplay! When I first started researching “the ladies” I thought, “Wow! This is going to write itself!” Now that we have done the outline and the 22 steps and discussed these characters until they haunt me day and night, I have become pathetic …

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Tonight has been typical. Chris has decided to sand my hutch for the fourth time. I began refinishing my table a few weeks ago. He took over and then moved on to the hutch. Apparently after the hutch’s fourth different color stain (has to be perfect) it was finally finished, he scratched it when he …

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The Seasoned Tree

The seasons remind me that all will be different tomorrow. Seasons equate change. So do you and so do I. And some things appear unchanged. Appearances hide what we choose to not see. Reflections reveal more of what still exists Transparent from pink blossoms to summer harvest Last splash of color subsides in the snow …

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Room to be Different

It is interesting to listen to my children argue. Invariable the guilty one will bring up old hurts or point the finger to anyone in order to slide away from acknowledging their contribution to the situation. I on the other hand have been reprimanded that I too willingly accept responsibility for everything. “Pam! Why do …

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Change is a good thing…Right?

Wistie called and said. Mom, what did you do to your page? I could tell she did not like it. I don’t think she likes change. The times are changing so get on board or miss the train! Good thing she hasn’t seen my hair cut yet!

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